April 17, 2020
Dear Jewish Home Community:
As of this morning, our campus continues to be COVID free in all locations; including staff. We have done numerous tests of residents and staff, with only the one positive case we shared earlier that has now been resolved. The patient is back on therapy treatment and will hopefully be able to discharge to home. We will continue to share with our families and staff any COVID positive cases that may occur in the future at JSL.
You have all started to see the negative press that nursing homes are receiving around the COVID-19 pandemic. Nursing homes have become a punching bag and there have been suggestions that we (nursing homes) are the problem and don’t know what we are doing. It is untrue, unfair and dismissive of all the hard work that goes on every day!
Social distancing is very difficult to do in an environment where our residents require hands on care regularly. However, at JSL we are doing as much as possible; such as in room dining for those not needing assistance, FaceTime, streaming entertainment across our dedicated JSL channels and much more.
- We started window visits at our entrances at JSL for our residents and families. 37 visits have been done, with many more scheduled.
- Family conference calls continue with Michele Schirano RN, Administrator; Susan Bussey, Senior Vice President; and Marie Aydelotte MD, Medical Director.
- We now have dedicated emails for families to send pictures or videos to their loved one.
- For the Jewish Home – residents@jewishhomeroc.org
- For the Summit – summitresidents@jewishhomeroc.org
- We are in good shape with PPE and keeping daily tabs on our inventory and “burn” rate.
- Isolation gowns have been difficult to secure so to ensure our levels stay adequate, we have engaged an Amish community an hour south of Rochester to sew reusable surgical gowns for us. We can then launder and reuse the gowns. Our first order of 500 should arrive this weekend.
- FaceTime calls continue regularly across the campus.
- The virtual Seder was very well received by our residents and families.
- The Help on Demand (HOD) training for the non-clinical staff began this week. In anticipation any of potential clinical staffing challenges, we will be able to assist with meals, cleaning, stocking supplies, transport, etc.
- Our fitness coordinator at the Summit continues to conduct classes via Zoom for our residents every day.
- Our Steramist disinfecting equipment has been deployed across the campus. It is proven effective in the fight against the COVID-19 virus.
- Visitations continue to be restricted across our campus.
- Any questions, please email our COVID-19 dedicated email at: covidquestions@jewishhomeroc.org
Stay safe, healthy and wash your hands!!