
Jewish Home Earns Award for Staff Education Program

Rochester, N.Y., January 19, 2021 — Jewish Home is pleased to announce that it has won a Jewish Programming Award from the Association for Jewish Aging Services (AJAS) for its Jewish Life & Learning Coordinator Initiative. This award recognizes Jewish programs developed and implemented by AJAS organizations that are “innovative, creative and specifically designed to enhance the spiritual well-being of the older adults they serve.”

The primary purpose of the Jewish Life & Learning Coordinator initiative is to engage the more than 1,000 Jewish Home employees in learning more about Jewish culture, tradition and values.

In its first full year of activity, 86% of participating staff said that the education increased their knowledge of the basic beliefs and practices of Jewish life, and rated the education “Excellent,” “Very Good,” or “Good.”

“We are delighted to be recognized by AJAS for this program,” says Michael King, President and CEO of Jewish Home. “This program has had a positive impact on our employees, as they are able to apply what they’re learning to their work every day and further enhance the quality of life we are providing to our residents. We are grateful to our donors for supporting this important initiative.”

 The Association of Jewish Aging Services was founded in 1960 and continues to function as the central coordinator for homes and residential facilities for Jewish elderly in North America.

Pictured left to right, Michael King, President and CEO, Silvana Bacman, Jewish Life & Learning Coordinator, and Christine VanVessem, Vice President of Staff Development and Quality Management


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