Employee Recognition

Recognizing Exceptional Service in a Senior Living Community

Providing great customer service can make all the difference to residents and families in a senior living community. If you have experienced exceptional customer service, we want to hear about it and celebrate it.

Complete the form fields below and include a detailed description of how our employee went above and beyond to deliver a great experience for you or your loved one. Nominees will be considered for one of several staff recognition and appreciation awards.

Recognize an Everyday Hero!

Complete the form fields below and include a detailed description of how our employee went above and beyond to deliver a great experience for you or your loved one. Nominees will be considered for one of several staff recognition and appreciation awards.

Thank you for taking time to recognize a Jewish Home staff member!
Fields marked with an * are required.

Eligible Awards

The Annual Arthur & Louise Wasserman Employee Recognition Award

The annual Wasserman Employee Recognition Award was founded in 1984 by Arthur Wasserman and his three sisters. The family was inspired to make the gift to honor the memory of their beloved aunts, Sarah Lehrer and Dorothy Silver, both of whom were residents of the Jewish Home and benefited from the wonderful care provided by the Home’s dedicated and caring staff. The Wasserman award recognizes Jewish Home employees who go above and beyond each day to exhibit outstanding performance in their work and service to those in our care.

Leon Rosen Exceptional Customer Service Award: Employee of the Month, Employees of the Year

Established in memory of Leon Rosen in 2009 by his children Ellen Rosen Konar and Richard Rosen, to honor and inspire Jewish Home of Rochester direct care employees who go above and beyond the call of duty to provide outstanding service to the residents at the Jewish Home of Rochester. Leon Rosen’s motto, which he recited frequently to his children: “Take an extra second and do it right.”

The Annual Brodsky-Grossman Employee Recognition Award

This annual award was established by The Brodsky-Grossman Supporting Foundation to recognize and reward exemplary performance among Wolk Manor and Lodge at Wolk Manor non-management staff.

The Neil H. Fisher Summit Employee Recognition Fund

Established in 2023 by Neil H. Fisher to honor and memorialize his father and mother, Donald M. Fisher and Estelle K. Fisher, and to express his personal gratitude for the employees of The Summit Independent Living.