The Clare and Jerry Rotenberg Center of Excellence for Palliative Care focuses on improving the overall quality of life of an individual facing serious illness. It may be delivered at any time during an illness while curative measures are being taken. Palliative Care relieves symptoms such as pain, shortness of breath, nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite, etc., so that the patient may gain the strength to carry on with daily life.
The Palliative Care team does not take over the care of the person, but rather becomes a resource to the family and the team during this difficult time of transition.
8 Domains of Palliative Care include
Palliative Care is an approach to care which improves quality of life of patients and their families facing life threatening illness. Palliative Care is appropriate at any age and at any stage of a serious illness and can be provided together with curative treatment.
2021 Winton Rd. South
Rochester, NY 14618
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Jewish Home does not discriminate based on disability in its programs, services, activities and employment practices. We strive to follow the best practices as outlined in the Americans with Disability Act in developing this website. If you need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication or a reasonable modification in programs, services or activities contact us at or contact Human Resources at (585) 784-6391.