We are dedicated to caring for older adults throughout our community. Our unique Physician House Calls practice has a team of medical professionals who provide a convenient, manageable way for older adults to get the high-quality medical care they deserve in the comfort of their own home.
Current patients: Click here to access the Patient Portal.
A safe and secure option for:
A safe and secure option for adults over age 65 who are homebound. Note our program is not Medicaid eligible, but most other insurances are accepted. If living the way you want means staying in your home, we want to provide you with the best care possible!
Contact us at:
(585) 244-5993
2021 Winton Rd. South
Rochester, NY 14618
Jewish Home does not discriminate based on disability in its programs, services, activities and employment practices. We strive to follow the best practices as outlined in the Americans with Disability Act in developing this website. If you need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication or a reasonable modification in programs, services or activities contact us at customerservice@jewishhomeroc.org or contact Human Resources at (585) 784-6391.
Jewish Home does not discriminate based on disability in its programs, services, activities and employment practices. We strive to follow the best practices as outlined in the Americans with Disability Act in developing this website. If you need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication or a reasonable modification in programs, services or activities contact us at customerservice@jewishhomeroc.org or contact Human Resources at (585) 784-6391.